Start searching for companies in a market domain


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Explanation about search behavior

This search will help you map organizations to a domain. You may give up to 10 sets of domain descriptions, but you usually will not need more than 3 to 5. Results are sensitive to your descriptions. For example, you could compare results of "Companies in the customized prefab housing market." and "customized prefab house".

Select languages to search in


Please, choose the number of documents you want to search per language (1-100)

Download the CSV files

What do you have to do now?

Please, click the "Run search" button below. How long the search will take depends on the number of search terms, languagues and results you have selected. Usually it will take somewhere between a few minutes and a day. You need to keep this page open to receive the results. In your first run a pop-up may appear asking your permission to download multiple files. Please, confirm to download the results (two files per search). The "Library Index"-file contains the URL's that where found as a results of the search, while the "Entity"-file contains a classification of entities that where identified.
